
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Girly Time

The Lion Man left Thursday night for his bachelor weekend in Tahoe. One of his groomsmen owns a cabin there, so the boys piled into a rented van and took off to the north and us women folk were left to our own devices. It was glorious...

Almost all of my close friends are in relationships. It is a rarity that we get to hang out without worrying about the boys (If we stay out past dinner, will they starve?). This weekend, they were incommunicado. From what I understand, they enjoyed a weekend full of  whiskey, poker, golf, beer, poker, whiskey, food, more beer, you get the idea. Of course we missed them, but we were able to remain thoroughly occupied. 

Thursday night I indulged in some delicious ribs (which I was under no obligation to share) and a couple hours of my favorite show (which I did not have to change for sports at any point). Friday, having no pressing need to get home, I spent longer at the gym than I usually do, followed by cheese and a bottle of wine for dinner. I was able to finish addressing all of the wedding invitations without needing to divide my attention, except for refilling my glass in petting the nugget dog. 

Saturday the real fun started. My future sister in law and I stopped by the jewelry shop where my wedding band is being made, but it was not yet ready (That stinking band deserves a blog post of its own!). Picking up the band was really an excuse to oogle all the sparkly things anyway! This is hard to do with the guys in toe. I love, love, love my engagement ring. But I also like to try on 4 karat boulders because WHO DOESN'T? However, The Lion Man perceives this as dissatisfaction with my current rock, so I try not to do it in front of him. We were unchaperoned in the shop, so Future Sis and I were like unsupervised children in a candy store. So many sparkles!

That little adventure was followed by a trip to the nail salon. I had been an absolute age since I had gotten my toes done, so I indulged a bit. Sea salt scrub, clay masque, warm towel wrap? Yes please! She has been married to my fiance's brother for about a year and a half, so I used this alone time as an opportunity to pick her brain. I am so happy we will soon be related!

That night I had a sleep over with one of my besties. We dressed up and took a cab downtown for dinner and drinks. She is married to a wonderful man who is also good friends with The Lion Man. This it great, but is also means the 2 of us rarely get alone time. Saturday we were able to have candid conversations about nothing and everything. I love it!

Sunday morning we went to breakfast with another friend whose husband was ALSO in Tahoe, then to the beach with the pups. 

By the time the evening rolled around it finally struck me how exhausted I was. I have hoped to clean the house and make dinner before Lion Man got home. Instead, he found me half asleep in bed, the house a mess, and not a whole heck of a lot accomplished for being home alone for 3 days. I didn't care. 

As we get older and pair off, I think it becomes more important for women to nurture their relationships with other women. Unfortunately, as we get older and pair off, it becomes increasingly more difficult to nurture relationships with other women. I had forgotten how important one on one time with the ladies is until this weekend. Now that has been bumped up several rungs on the priorities list.

So here's to all you ladies. 

Keep it Fancy,

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