
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Before Baby

As I have mentioned a few times (and will a few hundred more times before the big day), The Lion Man and I are getting married. I had been told that as the wedding grows closer people will start asking when we are having a baby. Pphhsss, I thought. Who would be so bold as to ask such a personal question? Well, let me tell you, MOST people are so bold. I have not even committed to the shoes I want to wear on my wedding day and people are wondering when we are going to make a human. 

Not that I don't want a baby or two. There are several people in my life right now who are on the verge of parenthood, and I could not be more excited for them! There are just a few more things that I would like to do with my life (not to mention my body) before I dedicate it to nurturing the future generation. When we do decide to have a baby we will take it very seriously, but until then, here is my Pre-Baby Checklist:

- I want to get my motorcycle license. The Lion Man has his and has owned a couple motor cycles in the past. He is about to buy another one and I don't want to be left in the dust (ba-dum-sss). I don't necessarily want to own a motorcycle or scooter myself, but it would be nice to have the ability to jump on his and take it for a spin every now and then. Plus there is something sexy about a biker chick. The chances of me wanting to do this after I have a little person depending on me? Slim to none.

- I would like to compete in a bikini competition. We have a good friend who has done this for 2 years in a row and loves it. She works with a trainer for 12 weeks, working out 1, 2, 3 times a day and eating a ridiculous amount of protein. In the end she looks like this. How incredible would it be to look back on those pictures and remember the time you were smoking hot!

- I have done a good bit of traveling, but not nearly enough. The list includes Vietnam, Thailand, Spain, and the Patagonia region of South America. I know that traveling doesn't go completely out the window after the addition of a little one, but it definitely has to be put on hiatus for a while. 

- Completing a marathon would be an amazing accomplishment. I have never been a runner, but last year I decided to change that. Training for a half marathon was an incredible mental and physical journey, full of highs and lows. When I finally crossed the finish line I could not believe I had done it. Now that I know I have the ability to move my body over 13 miles, why not go for 26?

- I want to take some time to settle into myself as an adult. The transition from my college years into adulthood has gone well thus far, but I still have some frivolous purchases, expensive dinners, late night parties, and last minute weekend getaways to get under my belt.

Having a baby will be an adventure, but there are other adventures I would like to have first. What about you? What is/was on your Pre-Baby Checklist? If you could go back and do it again, what would you add?

  Keep it Fancy,

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